Following its launch last year, Baba Is You ($6.99) from Hempuli was just updated on iOS and Android with over 200 new levels. If you haven’t gotten it on iOS or Android yet, it will be discounted beginning tomorrow as well on mobile. The transition from PC and Nintendo Switch to mobile platforms for Baba Is You is amazing. Read my review of it here. Today’s massive update (1.03) brings in the New Adventures levelpack with over 150 new levels, the Museum levelpack with 80 unused/cut levels from the base game with developer commentary in some of them, and also new secret levels in the base game. Watch the mobile launch trailer below:
Baba Is You is priced at $6.99 on both iOS and Android. It is usually priced at $14.99 on Nintendo Switch and Steam. The sale on mobile is supposed to be 30% off and will last for about a week. If you enjoy unique puzzle games, it is essential. If you’d like to check it out, you can buy Baba Is You on the App Store for iOS here and on Google Play for android here. Make sure to read Shaun’s review of the Nintendo Switch version here as well. Have you played Baba Is You on mobile or any other platform yet and what do you think of the new content?