Eight Studio has announced the launch of their latest mobile game, Grimlight. Players who are interested in the game can download it from your local App or Play Store.
Grimlight is a hero-collection, real-time battle RPG. Players can collect different characters that are inspired from various Fairy Tales and Legends from around the world.
The world of Phantasia is filled with mystery and wonder but has been eroded away by the Dreamless, shadowy entities that seek to corrupt all living things and consume the world into the endless void.
Even the Dominion lords who once defended the realms were corrupted and soon lost their reason and sanity. They are now mere shells of their former selves engulfed in madness and destruction.
Only you, the Dreamer, can banish the darkness by calling upon heroes of legend through fragments of their past memories to save the world from endless ruin…
At the start of the each battle, Players will be able to deploy units based on the number of Deployment Points (DP) that are available. Once you are done with the deployment phase, combat will take place automatically. However, you will be able to manually cast your character’s skill by tapping on their portrait.
Eight Studio
Android Link
iOS Link